Omantel International Call Offers 2025

You can find out the Omantel international call offers approved by the Omantel Company in below:

Omantel international call offers
Hayyak 50 Minutes 0.500 OMR 7 Days *141*01#
50 Minutes 1 OMR 28 Days *141*11#
150 Minutes 2 OMR 28 Days *141*22#
300 Minutes 3 OMR 28 Days *141*33#
Marhaba Combo India 200 Minutes 2 OMR 30 Days *464*91#
Pakistan 100 Minutes 2 OMR 30 Days *464*92#
Bangladesh 200 Minutes 2 OMR 30 Days *464*880#
Addons 198 countries 50 Minutes 2 OMR 30 Days Omantel App
198 countries 100 Minutes 3 OMR 30 Days Omantel App
198 countries 100 Minutes 5 OMR 30 Days Omantel App

Omantel international call offers code

Here is the activation code for Omantel international call offers:

Countries Minutes Price Customer
Validity Code
India 100 Minutes 1.000 1.050 30 day *600*263#
India 500 Minutes 3.000 3.150 30 day *600*266#
Pakistan 50 Minutes 1.000 1.050 30 day *600*264#
Bangladesh 100 Minutes 1.000 1.050 30 day *600*265#
Bangladesh 400 Minutes 3.000 3.150 30 day *600 *267#
GCC 40 Minutes 2.000 2.100 30 day *600*241#
Phillipines 30 Minutes 2.000 2.100 30 day *600*270#
Phillipines 15 Minutes 1.000 1.050  7 day *600*269#
Egypt 60 Minutes 3.000 3.150 30 day *600*275#
Egypt 20 Minutes 1.000 1.050 7 day *600*274#
SriLanka 45 Minutes 3.000 3.150 30 day *600*277#
SriLanka 15 Minutes 1.000 1.050 7 day *600*276#
Indonesia 30 Minutes 1.000 1.050 30 day *600*278#
Thailand 10 Minutes 1.000 1.050 7 day *600*280#
Yemen 20 Minutes 1.000 1.050 30 day *600*279#

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Omantel hayyak international call offers

You can find out the Omantel hayyak international call offers in below:

Countries Minutes Price Validity
UAE 100 Minutes OMR 1 7 Days
Unlimited OMR 3 7 Days
1500 Minutes OMR 5 30 Days
Bangladesh 300 Minutes OMR 2 30 Days
India 300 Minutes OMR 2 30 Days
Pakistan 100 Minutes OMR 2 30 Days

Omantel international call offers 1 riyal

You can find out the Omantel international call offers at a price of 1 OMR through the following table:

Country Code Minutes Validity subscribe code Recharge voucher
India 91 50 7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#
Pakistan 92 50 7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#
Bangladesh 880  


7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#
Indonesia 62  


7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#
Sri Lanka  




7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#
Philippines 63 15 7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#


251 11 7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#


971 15 7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#

Saudi Arabia

966 15 7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#


974 15 7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#


965 15 7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#


973 15 7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#




7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#






Validity7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#






Validity7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#
Sudan 249 13 Validity7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#






7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#






7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#






7 Days *104* country code# *101*country code* voucher PIN number#

Omantel international call packages code pdf

You can download the Omantel international call packages code list in PDF format “from here”. This file includes international call packages and their prices in each country.

Questions & Answers

How to call international from Oman?

How to call international from Oman?

International calls can be made from Oman by dialing the following code (00), followed by the phone number of the person you wish to call.

What is the code for Omantel minutes offer?

What is the code for Omantel minutes offer?

The Omantel minutes offer code varies from one package to another, and from one country to another.

Are there Omantel international call offers for 1 riyal?

Are there Omantel international call offers for 1 riyal?

Yes, there are for Omantel international call offers for 1 riyal that include 19 countries, which are (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Ethiopia, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Egypt, Yemen, Tanzania, Sudan, Iran, Morocco, Kenya).

What is the activation code for Omantel international call offers for 1 riyal?

What is the activation code for Omantel international call offers for 1 riyal?

The activation code for Omantel international call offers for 1 riyal is (*104* country code#).

What are the prices of Omantel international call offers?

What are the prices of Omantel international call offers?

The prices for Omantel international call offers start from 1 OMR and go up to 5 OMR.