Rop Traffic Fines List 2025

You can find out the Rop traffic fines list approved by the Royal Oman Police, in below:

  • Dangerous driving fines
  • Fines of official records and plates
  • Horn fines
  • Parking fines
  • Traffic light and signal fines
  • Speeding fines
  • Traffic direction fines
  • Traffic priority fines
  • Training rule fines
  • Traffic fines
  • Overtaking fines
  • Vehicle defect fines.

ROP dangerous driving fines

Here are the ROP dangerous driving fines:

Fines Fines fee
Failure to comply with traffic signals. From 15 to 30 OMR
Driving a vehicle under the influence of psychoactive substances. From 50 to 75 OMR
Driving a vehicle recklessly poses a danger to road users. From 50 to 75 OMR
Conducting road races without prior authorization. From 50 to 75 OMR
The driver fled the scene of an accident he caused, resulting in injuries. From 50 to 75 OMR
Allowing a person without a driver’s license to drive the vehicle with the owner’s knowledge. From 35 to 50 OMR
Driving a vehicle without obtaining a driver’s license. From 50 to 75 OMR
Exchanging vehicle control while driving.  From 50 to 75 OMR
Running a red light with evidence. From 50 to 75 OMR
The sudden cut of more than one lane. From 35 to 50 OMR
Riding a motorcycle without obtaining a motorcycle learner’s permit. From 35 to 50 OMR
Driving a vehicle with a suspended driver’s license. From 35 to 50 OMR
Driving a vehicle without license plates.  From 35 to 50 OMR
Driving a light vehicle with a heavy license. 10 10 OMR
Driving a heavy vehicle with a light license. From 15 to 30 From 15 to 30 OMR
Driving a civilian vehicle with a military driver’s license.  10 OMR
Driving a vehicle with an expired vehicle license.  10 OMR
Driving without carrying a vehicle license.  10 OMR
The driver’s license is damaged.  10 OMR
Driving a vehicle after the suspension of a driver’s license.  From 50 to 75 OMR
The driver of the vehicle fled the scene of an accident that resulted in a death.  From 50 to 75 OMR
Vehicle license damage.  10 OMR

ROP fines of official records and plates

You can find out the ROP fines of official records and plates by the following :

Fines fee

Using a fake license plate on the vehicle. From 50 to 75 OMR
Changing the vehicle’s engine without permission. From 35 to 50 OMR
Changing the vehicle chassis without permission. From 35 to 50 OMR
Using license plates other than those issued to him by the relevant authority.  From 35 to 50 OMR
Driving a vehicle with export plates after the specified period has expired.  10 OMR
Using inspection boards after the designated period.  10 OMR
Unclear vehicle number.  10 OMR
Distortion of the license plate. From 35 to 50 OMR
Not providing name and address to a police officer when requested.  10 OMR
Using a vehicle with export plates for private purposes not related to completing procedures or using it after the expiration period.  From 35 to 50 OMR
Not placing the sign indicating the vehicle license expiration period.  From 10 to 15 OMR
Failure to transfer the new owner’s name to the vehicle ownership 10 OMR
Damage to the driver’s license or vehicle ownership document, or their lack of clarity. From 15 to 25 OMR
Driving a vehicle with a license that does not permit the category to drive that vehicle  10 OMR
Mismatch of vehicle ownership information with its specifications 10 OMR
A vehicle whose ownership has been suspended or canceled by the competent authority. From 35 to 50 OMR

ROP horn fines

You can find out the ROP traffic fines of horn by the following:

Fines Fines fee
Using the horn in a disturbing manner 10 OMR
Repeated violation of using the horn From 15 to 30 OmR
Using the horn in a prohibited area 10 OMR
Using the horn on main and secondary roads and within cities in a disturbing manner or without necessity 10 OMR
Using the horn at night without justification 10 OMR

ROP Parking fines

Here are the ROP Parking fines:

Violation Fines fee
Reserving parking spaces without a permit. From 15 to 30 OmR
Using a parking space with a meter without paying the fees. 10 OMR
Double parking on the road. 10 OMR
Stopping a trailer on the road in a way that obstructs traffic. From 35 to 50 OMR
Parking in a prohibited area as per a police announcement. 10 OMR
Leaving a broken-down vehicle in the lane. 10 OMR
Parking in a designated spot for disabled vehicles.  10 OMR
Standing near the beginning of a bridge. From 15 to 30 OmR
Parking in a designated area for ambulances. 10 OMR
Standing by the roadside for a picnic. 10 OMR
Standing at the entrance of the workshop. 10 OMR
Stopping on a road wide enough for one vehicle. 10 OMR
Stopping at a curve. 10 OMR
Stopping inside a roundabout. 10 OMR
Parking in a way that obstructs a parked vehicle from moving.  10 OMR
Parking on a pedestrian sidewalk. 10 OMR
Parking in a prohibited area according to a sign. 10 OMR
Continuing to stand at the accident scene after the police procedures are completed.  10 OMR
Standing in an alley and causing a roadblock. 10 OMR
Parking in a designated area for national transport buses. 10 OMR
Standing on an island in a roundabout.  10 OMR
Parking in a way that obstructs the view of road signs.  10 OMR
Not parking within the lines in designated parking areas.  10 OMR
Stopping in a traffic lane without taking traffic precautions.  From 15 to 30 OmR
Standing in the middle of the road to talk to someone else.  From 35 to 50 OMR
Standing in the middle of the road without justification.  From 35 to 50 OMR
Standing on the edge of a cliff.  10 OMR
Standing on an island at a crossroads.  10 OMR
Standing near the end of a bridge.  From 15 to 30 OmR
Standing near the tunnel entrance.  From 15 to 30 OmR
Standing near the tunnel exit.  From 15 to 30 OmR
The driver of the vehicle suddenly stopped without signaling.  From 10 to 15 OMR
Stopping unfit vehicles on the main road.  10 OMR
Parking in spaces designated for other categories of vehicles.  10 OMR

ROP traffic light and signal fines

Here are the traffic light and signal fines in Oman:

Fines Fines fee
Turning on the emergency lights in emergency vehicles without justification. From 15 to 30 OMR
Driving a vehicle at night without any lights on an unlit road. From 35 to 50 OMR
Not using lights on the trailer at night. From 15 to 30 OMR
Driving without headlights during low visibility due to fog. From 15 to 30 OMR
Using additional headlights on the road at night when visibility is clear. From 15 to 30 OMR
Using high beams when meeting another vehicle: From 15 to 30 OMR
Using hazard warning lights without justification. 10 OMR
Not using turn signals when changing lanes. From 15 to 30 OMR
The main lights of the vehicle are not functioning. 10 OMR
Using lights that give an intermittent flash while braking. 10 OMR
Sudden exit from the road without signaling. From 15 to 30 OMR
Not providing the required small colored additional lights for the trucks. 10 OMR
The absence of the taxi’s light on its roof. 10 OMR
The sub-lights in the vehicle are not functioning. 10 OMR
Activating a siren on an emergency vehicle without justification. From 15 to 30 OMR
Walking without lights during reduced visibility due to dust. From 15 to 30 OMR
Walking without lights during reduced visibility due to rain. From 15 to 30 OMR
Using high beams when driving behind another vehicle at night. From 15 to 30 OMR
Giving a wrong signal when switching from one lane to another. From 15 to 30 OMR
Lack of light to determine the width of the truck. 10 OMR

ROP speeding fines

You can find out the ROP traffic fines of speeding by the following:

Fines fines fee
Exceeding the speed limit by more than 80 km/h. From 50 to 75 OMR
Exceeding the speed limit by more than 50 km to 80 km per hour. From 15 to 30 OMR
Exceeded the speed limit by more than 35 to 50 km/h. From 15 to 30 OMR
Exceeded the speed limit by more than 15 to 35 km/h. 10 OMR
Not slowing down near a school. From 15 to 30 OMR
Driving slowly in the left lane of a multi-lane road. 10 OMR
Driving slowly in a way that disrupts traffic. 10 OMR
Not slowing down when encountering an animal. 10 OMR
Not slowing down when approaching a turn.  10 OMR
Not slowing down when approaching a roundabout.  10 OMR
Not slowing down when approaching an intersection.  10 OMR
Not slowing down near a hospital.  From 15 to 30 OMR
Not slowing down near the market.  From 15 to 30 OMR
Not slowing down near a crowded pedestrian area.  From 15 to 30 OMR
Not reducing speed near a construction site marked with permits.  From 15 to 30 OMR
Speed increase from 5 km to less than 10 km above the speed limit on the signs.  10 OMR

ROP Traffic direction fines

Here are the ROP traffic direction fines:

Fines fines fee
Driving against the flow of traffic on a main road with separated lanes. From 15 to 30 OMR
Failure to comply with the no entry sign. From 15 to 30 OMR
Not adhering to the correct direction on the road. From 35 to 50 OMR
The right lane is not required for trucks, cranes, and construction vehicles. From 35 to 50 OMR
Turning in the opposite direction from a prohibited section according to a sign. 10 OMR
A heavy vehicle enters a road where there is a sign prohibiting its passage.  10 OMR
Occupying more than half of a two-way road. From 35 to 50 OMR
Reversing against the direction of travel. 10 OMR
Not keeping to the far right at a turn. From 15 to 30 OMR
Not adhering to the correct direction at traffic lights. From 35 to 50 OMR
Turning left or right at intersections without adhering to the rule of keeping to the right of the road. From 15 to 25 OMR

ROP Traffic priority fines

You can find out the ROP traffic priority fines by the following:

Fines fines fee
Not yielding to the passage of an official convoy. From 50 to 75 OMR
Riding a motorbike on a pedestrian sidewalk. From 15 to 30 OMR
Harassment of an official convoy. From 50 to 75 OMR
Not adhering to the traffic cop’s signal. From 15 to 30 OMR
Entering a main street without paying attention. From 35 to 50 From 35 to 50 OMR
Not giving priority to vehicles inside the roundabout. From 15 to 30 OMR
Failure to stop at a stop sign. From 15 to 30 OMR
Not stopping at pedestrian crossings to allow them to cross. From 15 to 30 OMR
Failure to comply with the traffic priority signal. From 15 to 30 OMR
Not giving way to an emergency vehicle while it is on an official mission.  From 50 to 75 OMR
Driving a vehicle on a pedestrian walkway. From 15 to 30 OMR
Not yielding the right of way at an intersection. From 15 to 30 OMR
Not giving priority to the vehicle coming from the left. From 10 to 15 OMR
Not giving priority to vehicles coming from the main street. From 10 to 15 OMR
Using the brakes without justification. From 10 to 15 OMR

Overtaking fines in Oman

Here are the overtaking fines in Oman:

Fines Fines fee
Overtaking in a place where overtaking is prohibited. From 15 to 30 OMR
Overtaking in a curve From 35 to 50 OMR
Overtaking in a slippery place From 35 to 50 OMR
Overtaking at a four-way intersection From 35 to 50 OMR
Overtaking at pedestrian crossings From 35 to 50 OMR
Overtaking from the shoulder of the road From 15 to 30 OMR
Overtaking at the roundabout From 35 to 50 OMR
Overtaking in the case of an approaching speeding vehicle from the opposite direction From 35 to 50 OMR
Overtaking without giving the warning signal indicating it From 35 to 50 OMR
A truck overtaking another truck in the city. 10 OMR

ROP Vehicle defect fines

Here are the ROP vehicle defect fines:

Violations Fines fee
Driving a heavy vehicle on the road emits thick smoke. From 35 to 50 OMR
Brake unserviceability From 15 to 30 OMR
Driving a vehicle with broken glass 10 OMR
Driving a vehicle without paint 10 OMR
Unserviceable vehicle steering wheel 10 OMR
The absence of a front mirror for the driver. 10 OMR
Unserviceable passenger seats 10 OMR
Brake lights malfunctioning 10 10 OMR
Driving a vehicle disfigured due to dirt accumulation 10 OMR
The absence of a side mirror on the vehicle 10 OMR
Speedometer malfunction 10 OMR
The absence or invalidity of any of the following parts:

  • Vehicle lift.
  • Fire extinguisher.
  • Oil, temperature, or fuel gauge.
  • Door handles.
  • Seatbelt.
  • Windshield wipers
10 OMR

ROP Traffic fines

Here are the ROP Traffic fines:


Leaving the vehicle doors open while driving intentionally From 15 to 30 OMR
Loading passengers beyond capacity 10 OMR
Allowing the head and hands to be out of the vehicle windows 10 OMR
Leaving children alone inside the vehicle with the engine running 10 OMR
Allowing passengers to disembark while the vehicle is in motion 10 OMR
Allowing passengers to stand on the bus while it is moving 10 OMR
Transporting more passengers than allowed in a taxi. 10 OMR
Transporting passengers for a higher fare 10 OMR
The cargo protrudes from the vehicle body. From 35 to 50 OMR
Materials fell from the load due to improper securing. From 35 to 50 OMR
Transporting goods in a way that obstructs the driver’s view. From 35 to 50 OMR
Endangering passengers while driving. From 35 to 50 OMR

Training rules fines in Oman

You can find out the training rules fines in Oman by the following:

Fines Fines fee
Training on the driving of a vehicle without instructor. From 35 to 50 OMR
Training of a person who has not obtained driving learning license. From 35 to 50 OMR
Non-availability of driving learning number plate on the vehicle. From 35 to 50 OMR
Failure to lighten the learning plate on top the roof of the vehicle during the training in the night. 10 OMR
The presence of other people I the vehicle during the training. 10 OMR
Training during unpermitted time. 10 OMR
Training of persons in other vehicles than the designated ones. 10 OMR
Training in a vehicle, which lacks the security and safety requirements. From 15 to 35
Training in a vehicle with a different color than the permitted one. 10 OMR
Training without obtaining the driving learning permit (for female instructors.) From 35 to 50 OMR
Training on motorcycle driving while taking somebody else on it. From 35 to 50 OMR
Driving a vehicle with an expired driving learning permit. 10 OMR
Failure to carry the driving learning permit during the training. 10 OMR

Rop traffic fines list pdf

You can download the Rop traffic fines list in PDF format “from here“. This list includes all types of traffic violations and the fines associated with them.

Questions & Answers

What are Rop traffic fines list?

What are Rop traffic fines list?

The Rop traffic fines include (Dangerous driving fines, Fines of official records and plates, Horn fines, Parking fines, Traffic light and signal fines, Speeding fines, Traffic direction fines, Traffic priority fines, Training rule fines, Traffic fines, Overtaking fines, Vehicle defect fines).

What are the fines for dangerous driving in Oman?

What are the fines for dangerous driving in Oman?

The fines for dangerous driving range from 10 to 75 OMR.

What are the fines for official records and plates?

What are the fines for official records and plates?

The fines for official records and plates start at 10 Omani Rials, while they can go up to 75 OMR.

What are the horn violation fines in Oman?

What are the horn violation fines in Oman?

The fines for horn fines in ROP range between 10-75 75 OMR.

Are there parking fines in Oman?

Are there parking fines in Oman?

Yes, there are fines for sudden stops, parking in non-designated areas, parking in spaces reserved for people with disabilities, and parking in paid parking areas without paying the fees.

How much are speeding fines in Oman?

How much are speeding fines in Oman?

The speeding fines in Oman are 10 OMR.

What is the fine for dirty cars in Oman?

What is the fine for dirty cars in Oman?

The fine for dirty cars in Oman is 10 OMR.

What happens if you cross a red light in Oman?

What happens if you cross a red light in Oman?

If you run a red light in Oman, you must pay a fine ranging from 50-75 OMR.

How can I inquire about traffic fines?

How can I inquire about traffic fines?

You can inquire about fines through the inquiry portal on the Royal Oman Police website, or via the app.

Can I pay traffic fines in Oman online?

Can I pay traffic fines in Oman online?

Yes, you can pay traffic fines online.